S/he must be willing to let someone else lead if they are better at itĪ leader who cannot look at the big picture won't be able to guide their team to the right priorities, be it taking a tower, retreating, warding strategic spots, or seizing buffs such as Dragon/Baron/Lizard Elder/Ancient Golem.
S/he must possess extensive knowledge of League of Legends and its strategies. S/he must be able to work with and command respect from his team. S/he must identify and find methods of attaining objectives in the game. The leader must possess five skills to be truly effective. The leader calls when to push, when to teamfight, when to retreat, and when to get everyone's sorry hide over to Baron ZOMG RIGHT NAO. If plans go sour, the leader comes up with new ones. The leader might issue commands like "4 of us distract mid while TF pushes top" or "Move to river bush by baron" or "Ward dragon, then cover Anivia at blue." The leader directs the team towards their near-term and short-term objectives and makes sure they are achieved. The leader can assist with communicating actions such as bringing mid down to bottom lane for a four-man gank into a tower push or dragon attempt, but their impact begins to be felt more heavily as teams begin to move in groups and teamfights begin. A good leader might be able to call out warnings about junglers or roamers, or monitor other lanes' status occasionally. Do you invade the jungle? If so, where? Do you protect your jungler? How are the lanes assigned? These early steps can give jungle dominance and possibly the coveted first blood if executed properly.ĭuring laning, the leader is likely less active in terms of teamwork communication, particularly if soloing, simply because his or her attention is focused on laning. Ingame, the leader calls the shots early-game. One of the worst mistakes you can make in serious premades is not building a synergistic team composition. In draft mode, this includes bans and swaps. Of course, that's not as easy in solo queue, but team composition should definitely be considered before picking in any premade game where you plan on playing seriously.
That could start as early as team formation, where the leader could be influential in deciding the team composition. The leader calls the majority of significant team decisions. The leader is the play-caller for his team, just like the point guard in basketball or the quarterback in American football. Now, you might be flipping through your list of champions, seeing which one is marked as "leader." You won't find this, though, since the leader is a person, not a champion, and that person is not necessarily the tank or the carry. In this article, the role of the leader, and specifically, how this role fits into the strategy for this game, will be discussed. Welcome to the first team strategy piece for League of Legends.