The results of datainterpretation of moderate mathematical students' ability experience errors in terms of determiningaverages and data distribution and communicating data by presenting data in the form of diagrams orgraphs that experience misconceptions related to the presentation of bar charts and histograms. Students with a high mathematical ability to communicate data by presenting data inthe form of diagrams or graphs, but without considering the characteristics of the data in the presentation (2) while students with moderate mathematical ability can understand data well. Theresults showed that: (1) students with high mathematical abilities can understand data, interpret data, andevaluate data well. The research subjects were one student with ahigh mathematical ability category and one student with a moderate mathematical ability category. Thedata collection method uses written tests and interviews. This research is a descriptive-qualitative study to describe the statisticalliteracy profile of high school students in solving statistical problems based on mathematical ability. Furthermore it can be concluded that Statistics learning with STAD learning models can improve student activity and quality of learning outcomes and can improve students' abilities in completing statistics.Being someone literate by statistics is very important for each individual to be able to interpret statisticalmessages in various contexts.

The results showed an increase in cycle I to cycle II for the level of activity reaching 42.86% and completeness of learning outcomes reached 55.53%. Data Analysis Techniques with comparative descriptive techniques and interactive analysis techniques. Data collection techniques through: 1) observation, 2) questionnaire and 3) test.

The research method uses Classroom Action Research with 3 cycles. 2) Describe the changes in mathematics learning activities and statistics material, after applying the STAD learning model to students of XII.MIPA 7 SMA 2 Kudus semester 1 of 2018/2019 academic year. This class action research aims: 1) Determine the magnitude of the increase in mathematics activity and learning outcomes in statistical material, using the STAD learning model in class XII.MIPA 7 students of SMA 2 Kudus for semester 1 of 2018/2019 academic year. STAD LEARNING MODEL TO IMPROVE ABILITY TO SOLVE STATISTICAL PROBLEMS IN STUDENTS IN CLASS XII MIPA 7 SMA 2 KUDUS 2 YEARS LESSON 2018/.